Use app icon android studio
Use app icon android studio

Instead of using the generic application icon Flutter provides, you can create your own. How to Customize the Application Launcher Icon In Flutter, it’s not that complicated, but there are some things you should be aware of so that you don’t make time-consuming mistakes. If you are a mobile developer, regardless of the platform you develop for, there is a straightforward process for adding icons to your application.

use app icon android studio

One way to customize is to update your icons. Whether it is using a specific font or a different color palate, you want to make the user feel attracted to your UI. You need to add the new rounded icons to the respective roundIcon option on the AndroidManifest.When you want to add some style to your application, you likely look for ways to make your User Interface stand out. After that, the icons are created on the "mipmap-* * * *" folder.On “Background Layer" use the background provided.On "Foreground Layer" select the provided image and resize in order to get the proper aspect for the icon.With this elements you need to follow these steps to generate the icon with the Image Asset Studio. Image icon without background, example below (foreground).To avoid this is necessary to create an adaptive icon.

use app icon android studio

On API's > 26 android implements adaptive icons, is possible that this causes issues on app icon in existing applications, just like the following example. the solution was create adaptive icons and works perfectly. I have found myself with an issue on my android applications not been able to use adaptive icons, resulting in ugly app icons and strange shapes in different launchers, so.

Use app icon android studio